Come work with us! Attend our job fair!
District Recruitment Fair on Saturday, Feb 12 at Newberry High School.

Want to buy some NHS gear and help support our softball team? https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/peymGsy2Eq

Laptop/iPad Checklist for Winter Break
Here are a few suggestions to keep your laptop/iPad safe over Winter Break:
Do not leave it in a cold car, near a heater, or anywhere the temperature is extremely cold or hot.
Do not leave it at a relative’s house after you visit. (Grandma, Aunt, etc.)
Keep your laptop/iPad away from little brothers/sisters/pets.
Do not allow other people to use your school-issued laptop/iPad.
Do not leave it plugged in the entire time.
Do make sure you turn it off when you are not using it.
Do not eat or drink near your laptop/iPad.
Don’t leave it on the floor where it can be stepped on.

Dress Up Days counting down to Winter Holidays! Take your final exams in holiday style!
MONDAY, DECEMBER 13TH – Deck the Halls!
Join us by wearing red or green (or both)!
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH – Family Photo Day
Dress in your holiday gear and get ready for a photo booth at lunch! This one is wide open for interpretation – dress up, dress alike, dress like a reindeer!
We don’t mean to show favorites! Dress up for your FAVORITE holiday, no matter when it is! You love the Fourth? Come in all of your red, white, and blue!
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16TH – Ugly Sweater Day
Did you know Amazon sells ugly Christmas dresses and suits? If that’s your cup of cocoa, carry on! But if Goodwill is more your speed, better get there fast before they are all gone!
Why even get dressed for a half day? Sport those jammies all day long! Bonus points if they’re Christmas jammies!

Congratulations to the following Students of the Month!
Freshman of the Month: Braylon Jones
Sophomore of the Month: Omar Abney
Junior of the Month: Derrick Jones
Senior of the Month: Kaley Laprise

Prek and K Registration for elementary schools will be held February 28th-March 11th.

Congratulations to Meagan Trammell! Ms. Trammell was chosen as the District Secondary Distinguished Literacy Teacher of the Year.

• STUDENTS! Check out this Young Filmmakers Project, South Carolina's High School Filmmaking Competition hosted by Trident Technical College and the South Carolina Film Commission! Entries only have to be 2 minutes and are due on March 28.
• The Top Ten scorers will screen at a special program where winners will be announced; First Prize receives $500, Second Prize $300, and Third Prize $200.
• For more information, go to https://www.indiegrants.org/sc-young-filmmakers-project.
• To view last year's Top 12 screening with the winning films and Q&A with the filmmakers, go to https://www.indiegrants.org/2021-yfp-top-12.

Attention Seniors! There are new scholarship opportunities available!

There are 2020 Graduation DVD’s available in the front office. If you would like to have one, please come by the school from 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM.

Iready Testing Dates:
iReady Dates:
Reading – 11/29 & 11/30
Math – 12/1 & 12/2
Makeup – 12/3

EOC Dates (updated):
12/6 – English II Writing
12/7 – English II Reading
12/8 – Early Release – No testing
12/9 – Biology I
12/10 – US History
12/13 – Algebra I

Remember to charge up your laptop each night!
If you forget your laptop, be prepared to do your work with pencil and paper. Loaners are not given to students that forget to bring them to school. Loaners are only given out when your device is having issues.
Check for updates monthly. If you need help, come to the Library during Tech Desk Time! Flex, Lunch, 2:50-3:20
Don’t download any programs or extensions to your laptop that are not required for classwork.
Don’t try to get around the Internet filters by installing a VPN or similar programs. This will result in displinary action.
Technology can remote in your laptop any time and see your activity. Do not assume what you do on your laptop is private, even when you are at home.

Read the NHS November Newsletter today!

Our NHS Online Book Fair begins November 1st - November 14! Shop for kids of all ages, elementary - high.
Book Fair Highlights
• Hundreds of books hand-selected by our book fair vendor Junior Library Guild for quality content and ultra-readability
• A list of my book recommendations
• Teacher wish lists for gifting books to classroom libraries
• Detailed information about each book, including synopsis, reading level, genre, reviews, awards, potentially sensitive content areas, and more.
• Hardcover, first-edition books — with FREE shipping for orders over $30.
• Direct-to-home delivery
Link to Online Book Fair-

Early Release Day- NHS Students will be released on Wednesday, October 27th at 1:00 PM. Students with 4th lunch will report to lunch at 12:40 instead of 12:44.

Juniors & Seniors: Newberry College is hosting a college fair on October 22, 2021. If you are interested in attending please pick up a permission slip from guidance or Mrs. Senn. Please note there are two different permission slips as juniors and seniors will attend during different time frames. Be sure to submit the form that corresponds with your grade level. Return your permission slip to your school counselor with parent/guardian signature no later than October 18, 2021. Logistics will be shared closer to the date of the college fair.

Check out the latest NHS Newsletter for October https://5il.co/zu3r

HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) have served as a beacon for education and culture for predominantly Black students for decades, and The College Board Real Talk is bringing together representatives from HBCUs across the country to answer all of your questions.
"Real Talk: HBCU Edition" is a two-part series high school students and families can connect with representatives from 17 HBCUs, including Howard University in Washington, D.C., Spelman College and Morehouse University in Atlanta, and Texas Southern University in Houston.
Join The College Board Real Talk for Part 1 on Wednesday, October 13, and Part 2 on Thursday, October 14 - both taking place at 7 PM.
Registration is required.
Web Link
Register for College Board HBCU Real Talk