MCHS Jr./Sr. Prom is April 24!

Links to required forms:

MCHS Prom Guidelines Application 2021

Assumption of Risk Waiver for Prom Attendance (COVID-19)

Song Requests Online Form

The Mid-Carolina High School Prom will be held on April 24 from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM at Mid-Carolina High School.  Tickets for the event will be sold March 29 – April 14.  Prom Tickets will be sold in the MCHS Media Center on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm or on Wednesdays from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm.  Cost is $30 per ticket.  All required forms must be completed and on file before tickets can be purchased.  The deadline for students to purchase tickets, and submit all required documents to Ms. Felker in the Media Center is April 14.  No tickets will be sold after April 14.  All required forms have been posted on our school website and social media sites.  Printed copies are also available in the MCHS Media Center and main office as well.  Any questions should be sent to Mrs. Haltiwanger (, or Ms. Felker (

 It will be mandatory that all Prom attendees and their guests have a completed Assumption of Risk Waiver For Prom Attendance (COVID-19) on file by April 14 to be allowed to attend the MCHS Prom.  The Assumption of Risk Waiver Form for Prom Attendance (COVID-19), needs to be initialed, signed by a parent or guardian and notarized by a South Carolina Notary before being turned in to the school.  If this form is not notarized, the student will NOT be allowed to attend Prom. 

In an effort to ensure that all interested students who are eligible to attend Prom are able to participate, Mid-Carolina High School will have a Notary available at the school on Wednesday, March 31 between the hours of 8:00 am and 11:00 am and on Wednesday, April 14 between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.  These events will take place in the MCHS main office parking lot at the front of the school on March 31 and April 14.   

MCHS Prom Covid-19 Social Distancing Prom Protocols  

Recommended safety guidelines for hosting a large community event will be adhered to at this year’s prom.  Any student who does not comply with safety guidelines will be asked to leave the event. 

  • It will be mandatory that all Prom attendees and their guests have a completed Assumption of Risk Waiver for Prom Attendance (COVID-19) on file by April 14 to be allowed to attend the MCHS Prom on April 24.  
  • All attendees at Prom will be required to wear a face covering. 
  • Self-isolation –attendees are asked to self-screen and if sick, stay home.  
  • Capacity will be limited to allow for social distancing during the event.  Only couples of two, who purchase tickets to attend prom together, will be allowed to be within 6 feet of each other while on the dance floor.  Couples will be required to stay 6 feet apart from other couples while dancing.  
  • Groups of no more than 6 will be allowed to sit together in pre-designated areas for snacks and drinks during the event with parent permission.  Students who plan on sitting together in groups larger than 2 must submit all attendee/guest names, and have completed Assumption of Risk Waiver for Prom Attendance (COVID-19) on file. Please note that group waivers only apply while in the pre-designated sitting areas and not on the dance floor.  Groups are not allowed to mix with other groups during the event.